Stonebug people

Claude Marksteiner (


I was born in Brugg (Switzerland) in 1970 as the second of three children. This is also the place where I went to the elementary scool. The next four years I went to the 'Mittelschule' (high school) in Aarau and graduated in science of nature.

The following six years I spent in Zurich at the ETH (federal technical university of Switzerland) where I studied computer science. By the way, this was also the time when WinSplit 95 the file splitter


which you can download from this web site, has be born. If you don't have it yet, please free to try it out.

During my time at the ETH I founded a computer company together with Renate Scherz. The business of that company was development and sales of computer hard and software. After my studies, when I startet to work full time for different companies we could not run that busines any more. So we descided to stop that business after almost 10 years of activities.

After my studies I spent 9 months in the US to improve my english but also to learn to know the country and its people. I enjoyed that time very much. And this is also the reason (not only to keep my green card) why I still travel a lot in the states and especially in California where it (almost) never rains...

The first three years after my studies I worked as a software developer in the IT department of Rentenanstalt/Swisslife (which is the biggest live insurance company of Switzerland). The first few month I worked there in the IT research and development group and moved then to a pure development team. I spent all my time there with Java client/server development and got some experience in the Corba field as well.

After this very interesting time I got a job as IT project manager at Profitline where I still work. My current function at Profitline is deputy IT manager. But I am also responsible for the technical parts of our e-business and I work in a big J2EE project as well.

In my spare time I play golf and volley ball, I like it to travel around (especially in the US) or I enjoy the evenings together with good firends, a tasty dinner and a good glass of wine.